Yes, there is a Santa…
Recently, a client in a RIM® session went back in imaginary time to rescue her 4 year-old self from constrictive parents. As her adult awareness focused backwards, we asked for some additional support to come along for safety and guess who showed up…”Ho Ho Ho,” nobody else but Santa Claus!
With Santa constantly by her side, this grown woman got everything she wanted, which was to have an inner feeling of being heard and trusted. Afterward, she said, “It sounds so silly… Santa Claus and all… Yet-I feel amazing… light and sparkly and absolutely FREE… I think I’ll keep Santa by my side all the time,” and then she giggled like a precious child! Whether your guiding light is Santa, Jesus, Mohammad, God, Abraham, another faith or maybe the simple yet profound intelligence of Life itself, remember your Source is always with you… quietly yet powerfully holding the hand of the precious child within. As-you shop, prepare for guests, laugh, and sing, and connect with your friends and family…take a few moments every once in a while during your day to slow down and breath… As you inhale oxygen and nutrients into every cell, you naturally remember how wonderful it is to have a body that? enjoys the sights… sounds… smells… and tastes of the season.
A Holiday Meditation-for YOU!
Click to Hear the Audio Meditation
Written Meditation
Gently close your eyes… and feel the aliveness of your heartbeat…
your breath…the sensitivity of your skin to touch…
Feel the joy of the gleeful kid who still lives somewhere in your skin.
Find this energy inside your body now…
whether’s it’s huge or as small as the head of a pin doesn’t matter…
As you sense it… your imagination shows you it’s size, shape and color…
take a minute to notice…
Move into it and be this gleeful kid energy…
And… welcome this joyful part of you and invite it to come out and play…
notice how your soul tingles…
Tis a time for child-like joy and laughter. How fun to be able to play and share…
to give and receive regardless of your faith… regardless of the time of the year…
regardless of where you live…
This holiday season, I send you good tidings of love and peace.
You can sense yourself receiving them like a beautiful, sparkling stream of
energy and light flowing into you…
And you notice how your body feels different…
Now that you radiate the magic light of the Holidays…
You find yourself breaking into spontaneous laughter for no reason…
Opening your heart to someone with whom you’ve been angry…
(you get a sense of them now and how that would feel)
And Most of All
Loving yourself like never before!
Ho! Ho! Ho!
Happy Holiday to you…
Feel Free to Share–I merely ask you to credit: c2018
Wishing You an Awe-filled Season All Year Long!
Dr. Deb Sandella
(303) 691-3457 or toll-free 888-788-0800