Yesterday was the last day of a 4 day RIM® Intensive Workshop I facilitated in my home with an intimate group of wonderful people who are deeply committed to having their lives be happier and more effective. I was in awe of each one as s/he stepped out of old patterns into their real selves… their true selves, and discovered their own magnificence in a greater way.
It’s funny, how we human beings have this kind of knee jerk reaction to think our authentic self is a bit of a fraud. I know I have felt this way at times. And over the last 15 years of developing the RIM® Method, I’ve witnessed repeatedly when we allow our feelings to be known and expressed honestly, we are set FREE. Concerns for being enough and competitive comparisons with others evaporate into thin air, almost like magic! Just as magically, Love returns…
Join me this holiday season with a wish… a hope… a commitment to be yourself with great transparency. To speak honestly when your family/friends ask what you want… to sincerely share with confidants or with yourself through journaling when you are feeling less than cheery… to ask your family for assistance when you are overwhelmed with holiday chores. When we ignore our true feelings, we initiate a domino effect that leads the people around us also to seemingly ignore our needs. Yet, when we listen and acknowledge ourselves, we create a positive effect, which stimulates others to respond to us likewise. Funny how how this peek-a-boo game works, isn’t it…
Think of my invitation as a holiday experiment to be yourself and see what happens… And… pretty please email me with your stories… whether happy or sad or somewhere in between!
Your Meditation
As you gently close your eyes and look upward in a reflective gaze, begin to notice your breathing… how are you breathing?… shallow or deep?… through your chest or your belly?… rapidly or slowly?
Noticing whatever pattern your breath… follow it with your attention and begin to breath into a deeper place in your body… as you naturally and easily become more yourself… with all your thoughts, your wishes, your feelings.
Taking a time of silence, go ahead and settle into this inner sanctum that is totally yours… as your heart and soul makes your hidden feelings known ever more clearly than ever before. This honesty feels good… a freeing of that which has been bound… that which has been ignored or stuffed… And you sense it’s okay to feel however you feel… welcome it as best as you can… and notice…
May you take this imaginary moment and make it a real-life memory…Yes, being yourself isn’t always easy or clear or definite. It is a life-long pursuit that never stops because your feelings are dynamic… changing constantly….
You are free to be yourself… this holiday season… so do yourself and others a favor by really owning your feelings.
Right Here… Right Now… And Always!