What are you feeling in this moment?
Chances are unless you are in the middle of an emotional event, you won’t be aware of feeling anything. Work and relationship success rides on our ability to manage our feelings, yet most of us don’t create the time to decode what’s really going on inside. Instead we let our head pretend it’s in charge and set the course of our days.
Scientists show the rational brain however is frequently overridden by the emotional brain because it evolved long after our reptilian brain stem reactions kept our human ancestors alive back in prehistoric days. The difference is that in those times, there was actual physical danger looming constantly. Although there still are times when we face environmental danger, mostly we are navigating emotional dangers: times when our feelings are hurt, our successes are dashed, or when we feel rejected and dejected. It’s important that we each take time to allow our stressful feelings to release, and that we return to our natural sense of peace.
In the following 5 minute audio RIM experience with psychotherapist Dr. Deb Sandella, you’ll learn how to turn on your inner emotion cleaner that works faster than you think! When we acknowledge feelings and allow them to evaporate, we keep growing better… Like the Bleachers hit song, “I Wanna Get Better.” Here’s how… simply click the play button below:
Transcribed RIM Experience
Go ahead and find a place that’s quiet and private as you let your eyes close and your body relax…
Letting your attention focus on the area where your body is touching the surface upon which you sit, you’ll easily begin to notice the details… the texture against your skin? Is it rough or smooth… soft… or hard? Is the pressure uniform or does it vary from spot to spot?
As you notice all of this, you naturally find yourself falling deeper and deeper into relaxation.
Soon you find your awareness has easily landed right in your center of gravity inside your body.
As you sense the exact location,
you settle into this sweet spot of balance…
Until right before your eyes, your imagination brings the presence of a safe, powerful and loving spiritual resource… it shows up right there in your virtual awareness… and you sense who this being is… it may be someone you’ve known before or someone new to you. Whomever pops into your awareness first, welcome them…
Taking a minute to notice their specific appearance you’ll also become aware of their physical proximity to you… You can’t help but feel the vibration of the loving and safe support… that flows into your being like a stream of beautifully colored, sparkling energy…
As you rest in this space, you relax even further and easily become more clearly aware of your current feelings.
Focusing on your heart, one word of what you feel pops into your mind and you receive it as best as you can…
Moving your attention into this feeling, you fully embrace it… noticing how it naturally responds by gradually fading…
Attending to your heart again, you sense the next feeling that appears as a word… As you sense this feeling, you move into it and fully become one with it…
Moving your attention into your heart the 3rd time, you sense the latest feeling that’s arisen… it appears as a word… Allowing and welcoming this feeling, you immerse yourself and rest in it…
Noticing how your natural process has quickly shifted from one feeling to another… you become aware of how dynamic your feelings are… they are constantly shifting and changing whether your mind notices or not…
In fact, as you consciously notice this shifting, you gain a sense of your own fluidity and expansiveness… You have a built-in emotion regulator. All you have to do is turn your attention to your feelings, embrace them in the moment as best as you can and
ZAP they naturally shift.
It’s as easy as that… and it’s always available…
no matter where you are or what you’re doing…
How wonderful that you are fully resourced regardless of what you face or how you feel…
Life has given you everything you need to continuously return to your expansive center… to remember your natural peace… to be your authentic self…
Now and Always!
For more than 40 years, Award Winning and Best-Selling Author & Psychotherapist Dr. Deb Sandella has helped thousands heal trauma, move through grief and gain access to more laughter, greater financial success, and deeper, more loving relationships. This former university professor developed the RIM® (Regenerating Images in Memory) Method that alleviates suffering and supports you to claim the happier, healthier life you deserve. RIM® is used by therapists, coaches, organizational consultants and school social workers globally and has helped countless individuals transform past trauma for a more fulfilled life. She frequently brings her teachings to Jack Canfield’s events.
To learn about having a personal healing session or becoming a Certified RIM Facilitator visit the RIMinstitute.com