43% of all adults suffer adverse health effects from stress and 75% to 90% of all doctor’s office visits are for stress-related ailments and complaints. Stress can play a part in problems such as headaches, high blood pressure, heart problems, diabetes, skin conditions, asthma, arthritis, depression and anxiety.
What is your unique level of stress? On a scale of 1-10, with 10 being most, what number of your stress pops into your mind first? Are you surprised with the number you receive? Some stress is inherent in living especially as we progress and stretch into new goals and adventures. However, there is a tipping point when stress becomes distress. Each of us has a different threshold as to how much stress it takes to send us over the edge. For some, there is a high tolerance, and for others, a low one. Remember, this is not a contest. There’s no good or bad score, there’s only your number, which is personal.
When the stress hormones are high, we need a way to move them through and out of the body rather than letting them settle in and create symptoms and illness. We can express the tension and feelings resulting from stress, similar to pouring water from a pitcher.
Here are 8 ways to boost recovery from stress, plus a guided RIM experience for calming stress:
- Furiously empty your uncensored feelings of anxiety, fear, anger, frustration and sadness from your body to a page with spontaneous writing
- Exercise with the intention of unleashing tension and heaviness–Move the areas of your body that feel tense and/or heavy
- Take a walk in nature to remember your organic naturalness
- Meditate to reset your tolerance meter back to zero and gain clarity about issues upon which you need to take action (determine whether sitting or moving meditation works best for you)
- Create relaxation time daily where you set aside thinking/responding to responsibilities
- Have fun as often as possible even when your working
- Say “No” to things that don’t readily feel like “Heck Yes”
- Manage your energy as precisely as you manage your time
Click the Play button for a guided RIM experience for calming stress:
For more than 40 years, Award Winning and Best-Selling Author & Psychotherapist Dr. Deb Sandella has helped thousands heal trauma, move through grief and gain access to more laughter, greater financial success, and deeper, more loving relationships. This former university professor developed the RIM® (Regenerating Images in Memory) Method that alleviates suffering and supports you to claim the happier, healthier life you deserve. RIM® is used by therapists, coaches, organizational consultants and school social workers globally and has helped countless individuals transform past trauma for a more fulfilled life. She frequently brings her teachings to Jack Canfield’s events.
To learn about having a personal healing session or becoming a Certified RIM Facilitator visit the RIMinstitute.com