
RIM Effect on Perceived Work Stress: By Alexandra N. Spichtig, PH.D, Nancy C. Brower, JD, Caron S. MacLane, M.C., William A Besse, B.S. | Dr. Deb Sandella
Background: Reports of perceived work stress are on the rise and its effects are far-reaching, impacting physical, emotional, and mental health. This pilot study explored the effects of a technique called Regenerating Images in

Ready to Bloom? Guided RIM Activity for You
Brilliant blue lupine colored the mountain trail recently, when I hiked in Crested Butte. An inner question arose : What wants to bloom in me? A guided RIM experience for you is below

Project Heal – RIM in Rural Colorado Schools: By Jaclyn Gaffaney, PhD, & Victoria Cabrera, PhD | Dr. Deb Sandella
This report synthesizes findings from Project Heal, an initiative launched in 2021 by the RIM Institute in collaboration with Generation Schools Network (GSN). The project employed the Regenerating Images in Memory (RIM) approach, a

Therapist Explains Maintaining Interdependence In A Relationship By Being Both Together And Alone
When my son got married, thinking about marriage and weddings had me pondering what makes for successful togetherness. In the wedding mode, it’s easy to see how culture inspires a romantic image of “Happily

Study Finds A Method Called RIM That Successfully Decreases Feelings Connected To Long Term Trauma
Traumas occur in every person’s life. So called small traumas are typically non-life threatening but often affect a person’s sense of self, their feeling of “good enough,” and their confidence. Larger traumas are those

The Benefits of RIM for Moving Through Grief: By Cathleen Elle, LLC, and Eva Alberts, LLC
The Benefits of RIM for Moving Through Grief By Cathleen Elle, LLC, and Eva Alberts, LLC This study investigated the differential impact of two 6-week interventions for individuals experiencing intense grief following the loss

Healing Past Trauma With Unconditional Love
We’re all romanced by the idea of unconditional love. Maybe it’s time to reconsider your understanding of it. I remember in my teens (a long, long time ago), I was disillusioned that no one

The RIM® Method as an Approach in Career Transition Processes: By Kine Aasheim
The RIM® method as an approach in career transition processes By Kine Aasheim The topic of this thesis deals with the conversational approach ‘the RIM® method’ as a supplement in a career transition process.

The Magic of Mind-Body-Emotion, The Shift Network’s Energy Medicine Summit Nov. 2022
Dr. Deb’s Webinar with The Shift Network’s Energy Medicine Summit, November 2022 The Magic of Mind-Body-Emotion This interview is part of the Energy Medicine Summit a free online event. For more information, please visit

The Effect of Regenerating Images in Memory (RIM) on Affirmative Prayer Outcomes: By Sandra Reay
The Effect of Regenerating Images in Memory (RIM) on Affirmative Prayer Outcomes Sandra Reay Master Program RIM Final Project Abstract The purpose of this research is to determine if the addition of two RIM

Feel Safe Even When Scary Things Happen Around You!
Conflicts are happening in the world… Yet, you can feel inner safety. This 6 minutes can clear the doubt and fear! When you keep your inner spaces clear … spontaneous insights arise to

5 Ways To Lift Your Mood When So Much Seems To Be Going On
Historic floods and wildfires, political fights and economic wars–Oh yes, and a new Covid Variant. If your eye is trained on the external environment, there’s plenty to stress about. Yet, you have a choice. You can

Embracing Change: How to Step Out of Your Comfort Zone and Find Your Courage
Taking new steps and meandering into new pathways in your life takes courage. The journey of a hummingbird could inspire you to take action. A while back, my husband and I discovered a miniature

Cheers to 2021!
Finally… It’s 2021! This last year, we jumped the “normal” track and landed in uncharted times. Yes, there were positives, yet our travels were pretty bumpy. Most importantly, we remembered what’s really important and