
Remembering Your Holiday Heart!
Yes, there is a Santa… Recently, a client in a RIM® session went back in imaginary time to rescue her 4 year-old self from constrictive parents. As her adult awareness focused backwards, we asked

The Science of Gratitude: Cultivating Gratefulness Can Transform Your Mind and Heart
Research shows gratitude alters how you see the world and even yourself. Scientists conducted a study that measured the brain activity when participants were either feeling gratitude and thinking about gratitude. What they found

Scared? Wes Craven, famous horror film director points out, “Millions of people may watch zombies on TV and in movies, but that’s manufactured fear. We don’t really worry about encountering the undead in our

Bloom-Even in a Pandemic-Here’s How…
What’s Wants to Bloom in Your Life? It’s summer in Colorado… Baby robins are fledging… flowers are bursting with color and there’s lots of sunshine! It’s a time of lush regeneration everywhere. There may

Pandemic+Racism–How to Cope
How are you doing? These unprecedented times are intense… A lot to keep up with! And yet, the gravity of massive crowds protesting racism + a global pandemic has weighted the scales to =

We Got This…
How are you doing? This pandemic has most of us at home with plenty of time to do what? We have a choice. Called the “poet laureate of the pandemic” by Oprah, Catherine O’Meara wrote

Wishing You Love
Today is the day we celebrate LOVE! Sonnets, love songs, flowers, chocolates, passionate embraces and whispered endearments are the rituals of Valentine’s Day. This year, in addition to your beautiful experience of romantic

A Secret to a Long-lasting Happy New Year
Want long-lasting happiness this New Year? Thanksgiving, Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanza, or New Years= regardless of the specific holiday, we want it to be happy. A secret to long-lasting satisfaction is the power of gratitude.

Liven Easy?
Ella Fitzgerald sang it best… Summertime, and the living’ is easy Fish are jumping’ and the cotton is high Oh, your daddy’s rich and your ma is good-looking’ So hush little baby, Don’t
How to Solve Any Problem-It’s Better Than You Think!
Do you want a quick way to solve any problem? When I presented at a women’s weekend retreat: “Reinventing Yourself through Your Divine Silliness,” it was deliciously fun! AND… I got to see how
What Greater Success is Ready to Bloom?
What’s Ready to Bloom in Your Life? It’s spring in Colorado… families of goslings… branches of new leaves and lots of sunshine! It’s a time of lush regeneration everywhere. How about you? What’s germinating?
Visualize Your Best Life for the New Year!
It’s 2019! The New Year has dawned and it’s all yours to do with it what you will! You and I know when we have a roadmap of where we are going, we’re more
A Meditation to Remember Your Child-like Joy!
Yes, there is a Santa… Recently, a client in a RIM® session went back in imaginary time to rescue her 4 year-old self from constrictive parents. As her adult awareness focused backwards, we asked
Meditation For a Grateful Heart
Giving Thanks for you! I cherish the presence you bring to the world. Thank you for being you because no one else can. Sharing your unique expression is an important contribution. Are you ready to