Tom Prah PharmD
September 2015
This study asked the question: How does the Regenerating Images in Memory (RIM) impact clients with sexually compulsive thoughts and behaviors?
Six men who volunteered through Sex Addicts Anonymous (SAA) received 1-2 RIM sessions and scored themselves eighteen months later on a 10 point scale with 11 items related to the functioning in critical aspects of their lives. “Response Shift” is identified in the literature as the misrepresentation of subjects on their pre-test because of decreased self-awareness. When the intervention increases self-awareness, post tests scores may reflect greater emotional symptoms although the subjects report improvement. Retrospective pre measurement is suggested to avoid this data distortion. Thus, the six subjects were asked to close their eyes and imagine their life before their RIM sessions and looking out of these pre-RIM eyes to score themselves on the 11 items. Then to bring their awareness to their current life 18 months post-RIM and score themselves now.
Crowe and Earle (1998, p. 13) suggest that traumatic childhood events such as years of sexual, physical, emotional abuse, or victimization often play a part in the development of sex addiction. With sex addiction, the person suffering from compulsive activities has learned that sexual fantasies seem like the answer to the pain of isolation.
The six clients worked on childhood trauma during their RIM sessions. Many were surprised that these experience spontaneously came up because they generally did not remember the painful events. All the clients scored significantly higher on their assessment post RIM in a variety of areas of their lives. Group scores increased 24 points or 30% after the RIM experiences. Their scores suggest that they were engaged in honest, self-respecting behavior 30% more often than prior to their RIM sessions. The largest percentage gain was in the area of spirituality (40%) and the least gain was in the financial goals question (18%).
Read about RIM with Sex Addiction… Facilitating RIM Sessions with Clients Who Suffer from Sex Addiction