I recently returned from a month in Southern India where I entered into 7 days of silence. The above selfie was taken in my ashram room on day 1. You’ll notice the questioning gaze… Would I be able to do it?… What would I find?
The pic below is me with a wild peacock feather I found as I reluctantly came out of this nourishing space of inner quiet and peace.
Are you called to know your inner stillness
Click on the link below to access this month’s audio meditation and…
If you are you longing for something richer and more gratifying in your life, yet you don’t know what it is or how to get it
If you are ready to take a quantum leap forward in the direction of your dreams
YOU could be one of the ten special people I’ll be guiding into life-changing insights, feelings of bliss and child-like joy.
Join me for 4 amazing days in San Diego… Click this link to hear more:
San Diego RIM® Intensive Retreat
Enjoy this Month’s FREE Meditation:
5-Minutes of Bliss
You’ll be guided to find a point of stillness within and float in an ever greater awareness of who you are …
Please share your personal experiences on the
Blog Afterwards…
I love hearing from you!
Love to You…
Dr Deb Sandella
Meditation in Written form:
Leaning back in your chair, your eyes gently close as you easily settle into greater relaxation…you notice your breathing coming in and going out… Fresh air continuously flow in and nourishes you while whatever is unnecessary, like carbon dioxide and unnecessary feelings, flow out on each exhale. So lovely to feel how the normal In and Out of your breath continuously refreshes…
As your shoulders gently settle toward the earth, tension releases in your neck and head… and you feel even more relaxed…
Breathing gows easier as your awareness deepens into your body… Before long, you find your attention floating right in the center of your body with a 3D view. Wow! You can look around and sense yourself from the inside… How good it feels to be here!
Sensing your inner spaces, your attention comes to rest on an energy of inner stillness… it may be as small as the head of a in or so large it fills your entire body or somewhere in between. Giving your attention over to it, you notice where it lives in your body… it’s size, shape and color…
As you sense the texture of this stillness within you… steadily move your attention into it until you are immersed… Embracing it, you soak it up and actually become it… in this very moment!
How wonderful it feels to sense an expanding calm… as you settle into your own depths…
Naturally you become aware of oneness with all that is… as you hear the SILENCE of outer space effortlessly gliding in the Universe through the Milky Way… sensing the light of stars and the moon…
Take a moment to Enjoy… all this is part of you after all… your body resonates with the profound beauty and vastness… because your Spirit is similarly vast and beautiful…
You were created to radiate the beauty of your being… the strength of your soul… the love of your heart… You are a magnificent expression of Life with unique gifts… meant to be shared. As you shine your shine and share your love… the Universe expands as does your soul… How wonderful to know…
Very Gently bringing your awareness back to your physical body along with a feeling of your inner vastness… you easily sense the surface beneath you and the room around you…
You remember this vast stillness always… whether awake or asleep… it calms you in the worst of times and excites you in the best of times…
It is LIFE expressing as YOU…
c2014 Deborah Sandella