Are You Attracting What You Don’t Want?
Science reveals that when original experience gets stuck in your craw—so to speak—it has a magnetic pull to attract more of the same. For example, women who witnessed their mothers being assaulted by their partners have a vastly increased chance of falling into domestic violence and women with childhood abuse and neglect are seven times more likely to be raped in adulthood.
The really good news is that research also finds your memory is plastic and changeable! You can rewrite a sabotaging memory with an empowering one. You locate the charged event and regenerate it in an affirming way. It’s similar to unlocking the screen of your smartphone by pressing one of the icons until they all start to jiggle. Once memory is unlocked on your phone or in your brain, you can make changes and deletions, then lock the changes. In today’s meditation, you’ll get a small taste of how this works.
This 6 min. audio meditation will demonstrate the emotional power of memory and how important it is to consider what’s hidden in your brain and nervous system that’s stopping you without you knowing it. Interestingly, these forgotten critical moments usually go back to times that have been resolved in real life, but the original painful memory is stuck in the body and hidden. As you know how to work your emotional operating system (EOS), you learn how to locate and regenerate stuck moments for more successful, and healthy outcomes.
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Dr. deb