Giving Thanks for you! I cherish the presence you bring to the world. Thank you for being you because no one else can. Sharing your unique expression is an important contribution. Are you ready to
43% of all adults suffer adverse health effects from stress and 75% to 90% of all doctor’s office visits are for stress-related ailments and complaints. Stress can play a part in problems such as
What is awe? University of California, Berkley Psychologist Dacher Keltner who consulted on the movie Inside Out describes awe as the “feeing of being in the presence of something vast or beyond human scale,
It’s 2015! What’s Ahead for You?… The New Year has dawned and it’s all yours to do with it what you will! You and I know when we have a roadmap of where we
Giving Thanks for you! The first Thanksgiving in 1621 celebrated the coming together of the Wampanoagto native american tribe and the first Americans in the original colonies. All these years later, we still reap
The star of the American Thanksgiving table is the turkey. Asked to write a composition on “What I’m grateful for on thanksgiving,” little Timothy wrote, “I’m thankful that I’m not a turkey.” Benjamin Franklin