Are you yearning for some inner spring cleaning? Ready to feel lighter, clearer and happier? In this month’s audio meditation you’ll turn on your inner vacuum that works faster than you think! When you
Did you know that your feelings can linger long after a stressful event is resolved? Emotion spontaneously originates in your body and goes to your brain to be understood through words. Thus, the thinking
Yes, there is a Santa… Recently, a client in a RIM® session went back in imaginary time to rescue her 4 year-old self from constrictive parents. As her adult awareness focused backwards, we asked
Are you happy like a room without a roof as PHARRELL WILLIAMS sings in his unforgettable hit song Happiness is a great feeling… Yet, what is it? A majority of the European words for”happy”
What are you feeling in this moment? Chances are unless you are in the middle of an emotional event, you won’t be aware of feeling anything. Work and relationship success rides on our ability