Thank you for your interest in RIM® +
Intergenerational Trauma Healing!

A member of our team will be in touch soon to schedule a time to discuss your application and determine whether the program is right for you at this time.

To be ready for our call, please complete the RIM® Professional Program Application Form here:

At your leisure, please enjoy this one-hour video showcasing the power and methodology of RIM® . This proven neuroscientific tool allows practitioners to delve beneath the conscious mind and dissolve emotional blocks that prevent people from accessing their full potential to thrive and excel at life!

Got questions? We’re happy to answer them!

Email or call +1 (888) 788-0800 and let’s set up a time to chat.

Let’s make 2024 the year you take your emotional
processing skills to a completely new level!

3“RIM® work produces such immediate and extraordinary emotional and physical results, it may at first appear unbelievable, but I have witnessed it in action in my own life and the lives of hundreds of my students and trainees and can testify to its profound impact.”

Jack Canfield
NY Times bestselling author, Coauthor of Chicken Soup for the Soul® Series and The Success
Principles; internationally renowned corporate trainer, keynote speaker, and popular radio and TV
talk show guest.