Steve Torneten
Kinds of RIM® Sessions: Individuals, group, family, coaching
Location: Omaha NE for Local, National/International access with Skype, Google Hangouts or Zoom
Population: Adults, Teens, Children and Business
Works with Trauma: Yes
Specialties: PTSD, Military, Addiction, Childhood Trauma, Grief, Personal & Professional development. Removing whatever is blocking you from having a better life experience.
Biography: Coming from a physically and emotionally devastating home as a child, I was unable to read or write, my cognitive ability was destroyed; I was full of anger, hurt and vengefulness and suffered from numerous addictions. Needless to say, I was incapable of forming any type of healthy relationship and was consistently unsuccessful at making a living. Follow that up with 8 years in the Marine Corp and I was a mess. Today after lots of RIM® work, I am free, have unlimited capacity to experience whatever I choose, happily married, daughter and effortlessly enjoy a meaningful life.
Philosophy:No matter what has happened to you, no matter what you have done, no matter where you have come from, my experience is, it can be repaired. You can remove whatever is blocking you and be free. It is my honor and joy to be able to guide others into their organic resourcefulness and dissolve the pain and hurt.
Year Completed RIM® Facilitator Training: May 2016