The Science of RIM®
(Regenerating Images in Memory)


“Each generation must rediscover and reframe for itself how our emotions rule us unless we understand them. Dr. Sandella’s practical, good sense does splendidly for a new generation. She shares sound advice and a wealth of experience with real people.”

Robert Freedman, MD
Professor of Psychiatry, University of Colorado, and editor of the American Journal of Psychiatry

Effects of Regenerating Images in Memory (RIM) with Adult Children of Alcoholics (ACA): 3 Case Studies: By Stephanie Ellis Ecke LPC. LCDC

Effects of Regenerating Images in Memory (RIM) with Adult Children of Alcoholics (ACA):  3 Case Studies   Stephanie Ellis Ecke LPC. LCDC February 2018 Abstract: This Study Explored:  How Would 3 Volunteers Who Are

RIM Trauma Relief Study of Four Women: By MaryAnn P. McDonald M.S.

MaryAnn P. McDonald M.S. September 15, 2016  Revised February 13, 2017 Abstract This study explored whether four Regenerating Images in Memory (RIM) sessions lessened lingering effects of traumatic stress experienced long ago.  The six

RIM Impact on Stress Levels of Mothers With Children with Substance Abuse Disorder (SUD): By Andrea Kneier RN, CRF

Andrea Kneier RN, CRF September 2016 Abstract This Master Regenerating Images in Memory (RIM) project investigated the impact of the RIM Method on stress levels of mothers who have a child with Substance Use

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