It’s 2019!
The New Year has dawned and it’s all yours to do with it what you will!
You and I know when we have a roadmap of where we are going, we’re more likely to get there. This blog-meditation is designed to help you design a roadmap for your brand new year.
For years, I’ve participated with a group to vision the new year for ourselves and each other. It has been extremely helpful to see the images that show up… and at the end of the year to realize how frequently they happened in real time.
You are invited to be part of this group! Enclosed is the written and audio meditation that allows your imagination to share with you your best life for 2019. No worries, I will guide you through it.
I learned this process in 1998 from Michael Bernard Beckwith who authored it. You can learn more about him in his book and CD sets titled Life Visioning (see He is an amazing man with a beautiful presence.
Your Visioning for a Fabulous 2019!
Here’s Your Recorded Holiday Meditation
Written Meditation c 2015 Dr. Deb Sandella
(I’m happy to have you share, please be sure to include credits below)
Gently close your eyes… and feel the aliveness of your heartbeat…
your breath… the sensitivity of your skin to touch…
Sense the joy of your soul that wants to express through your body, mood, work and play in 2019… Find this energy inside your body now…
whether’s it’s huge or as small as the head of a pin doesn’t matter…
As you sense it… your imagination shows you it’s size, shape and color…
take a minute to notice…
Move into it and be this energy…
Welcome this part of you that wants to be, act and have a delightfully powerful time…
and feel your body tingle…
Ask your imagination, “What is the divine vision for my 2019?
What does it look like…
(freely receive whatever thoughts, feelings, images etc. that come…
record them on paper allowing several minutes)
How does my life look as this divine vision for 2015 manifests?…
(freely receive whatever thoughts, feelings, images etc. that come…
record them on paper allowing several minutes)
What Needs to be Released for this vision to manifest?…
(freely receive whatever thoughts, feelings, images etc. that come…
record them on paper allowing several minutes)
What Needs to be embraced for this vision to manifest?…
(freely receive whatever thoughts, feelings, images etc. that come…
record them on paper allowing several minutes)
What else wants to be known?…
(freely receive whatever thoughts, feelings, images etc. that come…
record them on paper allowing several minutes)
After you’ve completed the visioning…
Spend time talking or writing about the meaning of these
images, thoughts & feelings…
Allow them to formulate into a sense of direction for the coming year…
Wishing You an Outstanding Year! Enjoy your meditation!
Much Love,
Dr. Deb Sandella
(303) 691-3457 or toll-free 888-788-0800
The RIM® Institute | toll-free 888-788-0800 | |
2443 S. University #306
Denver, CO 80210-5407