Today is the day we celebrate LOVE! Sonnets, love songs, flowers, chocolates, passionate embraces and whispered endearments are the rituals of Valentine’s Day.
This year, in addition to your beautiful experience of romantic love, I invite you to multiply your good vibrations. It’s takes no extra time… and it’s quite simple. Open your heart to each person you meet/greet today whether a passing stranger on the street or a distant co-worker in the corner. When you share love through your presence, it ripples out into the world and creates an energy of lightness all around.
You’ve noticed it… that good feeling you get when you walk past a happy person who sees you and smiles. Without words or content, you feel acknowledged and a sparkling exchange of affection happens in a flash. No need for a relationship or knowledge of personal details… Rather, you share a universal experience of being on this human journey together with all it challenges, desires and joys. As you connect in this nameless way, you become a fountain of love overflowing with child-like joy and smiles and everyone around you is nourished.
These universal love sparks boomerang back to your heart bringing ever greater warmth and connection. You’re never alone because you share your humanity with billions of people around the world. Are you feeling it? A lightening of your thoughts, your feelings, your cells… your body instantly and subconsciously understands your relationship to all humankind and responds without your mind even thinking about it.
Yes, and as you gaze into the mirror, see the number ONE person who deserves your LOVE… YOU!
Dive with me into the Love Fest!
This month’s meditation is a 5 min. music video of
It’s guaranteed to make you SMILE!