Did you know you have a secret life?
Everyone does…it’s the dreams, fantasies and wishes hidden in your deepest yearnings. Sometimes you may distance from them because they make you feel uncomfortable or dissatisfied; you may even think of them as envy or believe they are impossible.
Yet, they are a message from your Soul. Just like a voice mail from the Universe:
Hey You… Yes You… The one with those secret yearning you’ve ignored… In case you’re wondering they’re a reflection of your soul’s unique purpose. This is the direction you are being called and it’s time to take action regardless of how big or small the steps… It doesn’t matter. Oh and…your head isn’t in on it, yet, so you’ll have to bring it along for the ride until it has time to “think” about it.
When we disregard these urgings, we experience an energetic block and drain personal power; like restraining a stallion that wants to run free in the wind.
I recently watched a movie about J.K. Rowling author of the Harry Potter series. From early childhood, she constantly fantasized about magic and wizards. Though she most loved to write, her family talked her into a “useful” degree in “languages.” Following graduation, her lack of interest in jobs was apparent and she drifted from one boring thing to another… All the while, sensing a wildly compelling magical tale in her imagination.
As a single mom on welfare with a short and tumultuous marriage behind her, she saw herself as “the biggest failure” she knew. Finally, she gave into her plight and scrimped by on welfare to stay home with her infant daughter and write. Her desperate circumstances freed her from any expectations to do anything else. Later in a Harvard commencement, she shared the fringe benefits of failure:
Failure meant a stripping away of the inessential. I stopped pretending to myself that I was anything other than what I was, and began to direct all my energy to finishing the only work that mattered to me. Had I really succeeded at anything else, I might never have found the determination to succeed in the one area where I truly belonged. I was set free, because my greatest fear had been realized, and I was still alive, and I still had a daughter whom I adored, and I had an old typewriter, and a big idea. And so rock bottom became a solid foundation on which I rebuilt my life. J. K. Rowling, “The fringe benefits of failure,” 2008, YouTube
Within 5 years she was the wealthiest author in Britain
This month’s meditation is dedicated to uncovering your secret life…
And if you seek support in dissolving blocks and expressing your hidden genius, check out the programs at www.RIMinstitute.com–they are guaranteed to support your True Greatness!
Enjoy this Month’s Audio Meditation:
5-Minutes of Discovering Your Secret Life
Click Here to Hear the Audio Meditation
Please share with me about your experiences afterwards…
in Blog comment…
I love hearing from you!
Love to You…
Dr Deb Sandella
Written MEDITATION c 2014
As you settle into your chair, let your attention focus on your breath… that wonderful automatic process of oxygen and nutrients flowing into your body while carbon dioxide and everything unnecessary is flowing out…
Breathing has been happening automatically for you since the moment of your birth and has continued effortlessly throughout all your days and nights without you even thinking about it… Relaxing… as you rest in the constancy of breathing… you gently settle down into a deeper… knowing of your unique secret life… that part of you that dreams and yearns to express your native talents more fully in the world… in your work, your relationships, your health, your feelings, your thoughts…
This secret is there just below the surface of awareness… yet, strong enough to create a longing… and now you give it your full attention and it responds by making it’s location in your body known… Maybe your head, or hands or feet… your belly or your heart… It could be anywhere!
As it catches your inner eye, your attention is automatically drawn to it and you notice the form your imagination is giving it… its size, shape, color, texture, temperature and any movement all registers in your mind effortlessly…
Compelled by its charge… your attention is drawn to it like a magnet. As you are swept into its energetic field, all the thoughts, feelings, images residing here become known and you sense them as best as you can…
Sensing this secret yearning clearly, you invite it into conscious awareness and an image of it in manifest form magically appears before you… just like that (snap)
Easily sensing this image of you living your secret life, you gently become comfortable with it… taking whatever time you want… because it’s not going away, it’s hardwired in you… As your body receives this image you become it, and notice how it feels… to be yourself freely and unabashedly… sharing your talents and your true nature… with those around you… remaining completely autonomous of their opinions…
Yes, your secret life has come out of hiding and it guides you every minute of every day… As gratitude vibrates in every cell of your being…
You are Home!
c 2014 Deborah Sandella
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