‘Tiz the Season to Spring Forward…
The days are growing longer and the temperatures are growing warmer (most of the time). How about you? Are you ready for a spring surge of personal power to propel you into a new level?
A new level of what, you ask? Hmm… the answer is yours. Notice… how might your life develop if you felt greater personal power… a feeling of worthiness to sense your talents and express them unabashedly. What risks would you be willing to take…? What actions would you engage…? How would you maintain your autonomy even as you sense others opinions?
This month’s meditation is dedicated to the Power of You that’s ready to Surge!
Enjoy this Month’s Audio Meditation:
A 5-Minute Personal Power Surge
Please share your personal experiences on the
Blog Afterwards…
I love hearing from you!
Love to You…
Dr Deb Sandella
Welcome to the RIM® Institute audio blog where
Ill guide you to unleash an energizing personal power surge! Get ready… settle into your chair… as we take off…
First… Exhale all of your breath until you cant blow out any more, and then slowly and gently begin to inhale… stretching it out as long as you can..
Letting your breathing find its own rhythm and pace, you’ll settle deeper and deeper into your body… eventually touching down into your belly. Sensing the inside of your body, you’ll notice there’s an energy of power…pulsing. Letting your attention immediately go there, you sense its form, its color and its movement. Right now, your imagination shapes it into a uniquely meaningful image … you’ll sense it clearly.
Sensing what part of this energy is calling your attention go ahead into it … right into the center of this Power Spot You easily give into it knowing its an organic and beneficial part of YOU!
Floating, you become aware of what aspect of you wants to express more fully…Your imagination quickly and easily shows a movie of you doing this…
Go ahead and jump into this movie noticing how natural and effortlessly you feel… how good it feels to be the Power that is YOU… the furnace that fuels your energy and creativity… constantly radiating energy and light, it anchors you in an inner physical experience of Self-Confidence…
Yes, you know who you are… You are brilliant like the stars… deep like the ocean and stable like the earth… You are more than you’ve ever thought… You are amazing and lovely and powerful all wrapped up in one being who is constantly radiating light and love.
As you focus on your breathing… you notice how your body is feeling … How your mind is open…? How your heart is loving…? How your Spirit is expansive?
You Are That, which is Life Itself and
it feels so good to know…
This is Dr Deb Sandella signing off.
Thank you for joining me and I look forward to being with you next month!