Giving Thanks for you!
I cherish the presence you bring to the world. Thank you for being you because no one else can. Sharing your unique expression is an important contribution.
Are you ready to talk turkey about gratitude? Just for a moment… allow yourself to pause and bring into mind the image of someone or-something that brings you great joy… (PAUSE-yes really do it) and notice how your-body immediately softens. When we focus-our attention on people and experiences that make us happy, we automatically activate the release of feel-good hormones.
A grateful biochemistry produces greater-physical energy, better health and more-resilience. When we expand our inner spaciousness, we have a greater capacity for compassion and love. Similar to how the taste of a-tablespoon of salt in a lake has little negative influence while a tablespoon of salt in a cup of-water makes it undrinkable, the impact of our daily irritations is lessened-when they fall into a reservoir of calm.
Click below to join me on a lovely journey-of thanksgiving where you’ll rev up your-juicy positive vibes!
A Meditation on Gratitude
Please share your experiences afterwards
in our blog comments…I love hearing from you!
Love to You,
Dr. Deb Sandella
(303) 691-3457 or toll-free 888-788-0800